Year 9 Options

This is an exciting time as, for the first time in your school lives, you are moving to a stage where you are able to make real choices on what you study. It is important that all of us: your parents, subject teachers, form tutor and, of course YOU, work together to make informed choices.

The Year 9 Options booklet is only the beginning of the decision-making process; please read it carefully, talk through the options with your parents, speak to your subject teachers and find the answers to any questions you may have. The decisions that you are about to make are some of the most important ones in your school life and they can have an effect on the opportunities available when you move into the Sixth Form or other post-16 education. We will, therefore, ensure we help and support both you and your parents in the decision-making process.

We are excited about the GCSE curriculum and firmly believe that it builds on our ethos of inspiring potential and achieving together. We hope to continue to engage and inspire you with this broad and challenging programme of study and wish you every success in this next important stage of your education at The Bulmershe School.


Options Booklet 2025

Options Evening Presentation

You will find a link to this year's Options Presentation here after the Year 9 Option Evening on 20th March 2025.

Subject Presentations

All of the departments subject presentations, which have been presented to students in tutor time, can be found on the google classrooms to refer to at any time.

Options Interview appointment

From 21st March, staff will be conduction 10-minute interviews with all year 9 students over a two week period. All students will receive individual letters inviting them to the appointment, giving the time, member of staff and location. These appointments are to help your child discuss their options and ensure they have made well considered decisions. In addition, interview practice for students is very valuable and prepares them for college and 6th form interviews in year 11.

Parents are also able to attend these 10-minute interviews should they wish, which will take place during the school day. If you would like to attend, please complete this google form beforehand so we can plan appointments accordingly. Please note - once appointments have been sent out, they cannot be changed due to staffs' other commitments. 

Options Online Form 

At the Options Evening, every family will be provided with a link to an online form to submit your child’s options. This must be done by Friday 4th April The Options Process is the first opportunity your child has had to shape their own academic future, and our programme of guidance is in place to assist students with their choices. We encourage all parents to be actively involved throughout the process.